I can't possibly catch up on all that I've missed but I can hit a couple of highlights. I'm sure I'll miss some things but I'll try to catch up with those on the slower days. Abby had her first official dental appointment with her Uncle Rusty. She was the perfect patient and had no fear at all because after all....it's Uncle Rusty. Thank you Rusty for all you do for us!
Payne and I also got a chance to see the Globetrotters when they came to town. He didn't know much about them but after playing basketball this past season and loving it, I had a feeling he would really enjoy the show. He had a blast and loved all the tricks they did.
One of the Globetrotters had local ties as he went to college at Centenary here in Shreveport. Turns out he and one of his teammates also appeared on two seasons of the show, The Amazing Race. His nickname was Flight Time and he was one of the featured players in the game we went to see.
We stayed afterward and Payne got autographs from all the players and really wanted to get Flight Time's autograph. He was very friendly and was great with Payne and all the other kids. Payne really got excited when we watched this parts of the season's Amazing Race and got to see someone he "knew". Flight Time came in second place on the show but I think he came in first place in Payne's eyes.
Payne had his big field day and his class racked up win after win. They had a blast and he was so happy that they dominated! A friend of ours is the new P.E. teacher and the school and she really did a good job with all the new activities they had this year.

After the relays, the kids got paired up and went through about 25 different activities with their partner. It was fun watching Payne and his friend battle it out through all the different stations.
Abby has been taking ballet all year long and the time finally came for her big recital. When her dress for the event came in, they got to try on their new outfits and Abby cracked everyone up by looking at herself in the mirror and saying, "I knew this day would happen!" We all got a big laugh at that.

She got to perform on the big stage at the Strand Theater and she did a wonderful job. At the end, she was waiving to the crowd and blowing kisses. What a performer!