Monday, September 20, 2010

Great Weekend

We had a really wonderful weekend. Friday night I went to dinner with some neighbor girls and we had a great time laughing and eating. Saturday morning, I was up at the crack of dawn to walk with Mom and Helen in Race for the Cure. We were walking in honor of some incredible women. My Mae Mae (my dad's mom) is a breast cancer survivor for over 5 years. Toya's mom has been fighting for almost a year. Aunt Linda will have a year under her belt in the next month or two. My dear friend Kori will have one year in October. This disease truely amazes me. It can strike anyone at anytime. It was an honor for us to walk for this cause as members of Kori's team, the La Dee Ta Ta's. Saturday night we went to Ruston to watch Louisiana Tech take on Navy. Abby and I stayed for the first half and us leaving may have been the cause for the Bulldog's loss. Maybe they couldn't play to their abilities without their cutest cheerleader! Sunday we went to Sunday School and Big Church. Chris and I helped with Abby's Sunday School class. Abby went to Children's Chapel all by herself and had a great time so Helen gave her a prize of a Ken doll. She was super excited because now her Barbies have a boyfriend. Ken is a player!

I was talking with Chris last night about my Saturday. I told him that I have never really considered myself an overly emotional person. I will cry at the occasional episode of Boston Med or even when I see the Friends Series Finale. But most of the time, I consider myself pretty even. I don't cry at weddings or during a babies baptism or sweet moments like that. I didn't cry during my wedding or after my kids were born. Don't get me wrong, I love those moments, but I don't get all weepy. On the Payne side of the family, I am in the minority of women. Most of them cry often. My sweet Aunt Linda, she is a crier. She cries during Grace at family events and I absolutely love that about her. My mom cries (most of the time at really silly things - like the fact that she believed Payne would accidently swollow his loose tooth while he slept and would choke to death and we would never know). I still find that one funny. And my cousin Amanda, let's just say the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree for Aunt Linda's daugher. I remember my wedding day and Amanda was a basket case right before she was to walk down the isle. Daddy and I were just looking at her in shock. I thought we would have to put her at the back of the line, but she miraculously pulled it together RIGHT before the doors opened. All this to say that somehow I didn't get that gene. Or at least I thought I didn't get that gene.

Saturday morning before the Race, they had a survivor parade. All the survivors lined up and danced to "I will Survive." We were cheering and clapping and yelling. Then I see it. I see Kori dancing. She was smiling and waving her hands in the air. I cried. I don't mean a little tear in the corner of my eye, I'm talking about mouth quivering, nostrils flaring, big tear crying. I was so excited for her and I feel so blessed to have her as a friend. In her first email to friends and family after she was dignosed, she said that her hope is for one day when we look back at this time in her life, the one thing we will remember is that she praised God throughout her entire journey. I can say without a doubt that she has. She is such an inspiration.

My friends are amazing. I have no doubt that if I ever needed anything, they would be there for me before I even would have the chance to ask. There are 5 of us that met in college at Tech. We are sorority sisters. I will forever be in debt to Alpha Chi Omega for bringing them into my life. Becca, Kim, Ashley, Kori, and I don't get to be together as a group very often but when we do, I always am reminded of what I have. True friends.

I think that is enough of a sappy post. Have a great week!


  1. sooo... ran into chris tonight at the pia thing and he said yall have a blog! yay! payne and abby are SOOO cute! hope all is well and so glad i can stalk yall now! :)

  2. Ok so now I'm confused! I pulled up your blog & somehow all I saw was the very first post you ever made, so that is where the comment came from about seeing more pictures!!! Now I can see them all! :-)
